Competition Winner announced!
For the month of February we have been running a competition for someone to win a Meca-Quartz Straton Legera Standard or Legera Bullhead! Being signed up to the Straton newsletter automatically keeps you entered into future competition so stay subscribed. Of the 8326 entries the lucky number 7314 was drawn for a Gregg Olsen! You will be emailed shortly to get the details regarding your prize!
Its Competition time!
This is your chance to win a Straton Legera or Legera Bullhead Meca-Quartz of your choice!
One simple way to enter: If you have not already signed up to the Straton newsletter do so now via our website and you will automatically be entered. Any person already signed up to the Straton newsletter is automatically entered with a chance to win. Multiple entries allowed. To sign up to our newsletter, visit the Straton website and at the bottom of the page follow the instructions -
Deadline for entries is February 16th 2019 at 20:00pm European Time. The winner will be randomly generated and announced on February 17th at 20:00pm via our FB page, newsletter and contacted via email. The prize is a pre-order slot for a Meca-Quartz Legera or Legera watch, delivery of the prize is due August 2019 when manufacturing is complete and watches are shipped.
Terms and Conditions:
1. To enter you must have signed up for the Straton newsletter
2. Enter using a valid email address as that is how the winner will be contacted
3. Multiple entries allowed
3. Winner drawn February 17th 2019 and announced February 17th 20:00pm
4. Winner is responsible for any import duties if applicable when receiving the watch, shipping from Switzerland